My Story

How I found my passion

How it all started

In 2018, I was about to graduate with a Master’s in Supply Chain Management, but something felt missing. I craved freedom, beauty, and creating something meaningful. So, I bought my first own apartment from my hometown Espoo, Finland. The day I moved in, I started abstract painting.

I spent all evenings experimenting with abstract acrylic painting. Painting felt like the best therapy for all the stress I realized I had accumulated from living my life like I thought I should as a business student. I had an overwhelming urge to paint every day, often losing sleep as inspiration would strike just as I was about to go to bed.

My art and story resonated with thousands of people right away—within three months, I sold over 50 paintings, gained 1,000 followers, and one post even received over 5,000 likes. By early 2019, I made the bold decision to leave my new IT consulting job and pursue art full time. Even after five years of studying business, creating something fresh and empowering every day felt like the best decision I had ever made.

My art is for those who, like me, value courage, authenticity, and the freedom to live life on their own terms. Each piece is bold, unique and brings you more of this empowering energy.

Do more of what makes you happy - not what’s expected!
— Lotta 2019